An epic adventure in all things nerdy.

(Plus some zombies.)

Monday, June 28, 2010


I had my birthday party this past Friday, it was a joint 21st party with my friend Katie and the theme was Made in the 80s since we were both born in 1989. Of course my friends are all nerds and about an hour into the party one of my friends in the physics department shows up with a tub of dry ice and a container of liquid nitrogen, how cool is that? So the party went from 80s to a geeky science party pretty fast, but it was awesome regardless. We put dry ice in our drinks and froze oreos with liquid nitrogen, it kept everything chilly and we looked totally boss.

My friend Sean and my roomie Jeslyn, rockin' out 80s style.
We were talking about awesome themes for parties and decided that we now have to do a mad science party in the future, lab coats and goggles all around! Of course we'll get more dry ice, and a friend told me ThinkGeek sells this awesome cocktail chemistry set. Themed parties are always the best, it's like Halloween any time you want. What's the coolest idea for a themed party you can think of?


  1. I don't know about cool themes but I sooooooooooooo want liquid nitrogen at my next birthday....

  2. "tub of dry ice and a container of liquid nitrogen, how cool is that?"

    Nice gag.

    I'm not sure drinking and liquid nitrogen is a good combination. How many people had frostbite to go with their hangover?

  3. @Xaeromancer: I wasn't drinking so I was keeping an eye on everyone. Should have been my friend that's an EMT but unfortunately he was the most irresponsible with the liquid nitrogen. :D

  4. 40k themed part of ofcourse:) Inquisitors, mutants, Sisters of Battle, carnifexes. The list goes on:)

  5. The last themed party I went to was a Star Wars one for the release of the 3rd film (I know, it's been a while).

    I went dressed as the 4th Doctor.

  6. 40k Theme or star wars party FTW !

  7. Not drinking? at your 21st? SACRILAGE

  8. @Flekkxo: That seems like asking for some sort of epic battle to break out in the middle of the party. :)

    @#2501: For the 3rd film me and all my friends went to the theater with lightsabers and had a big fight while the end credits played. Needless to say, we got kicked out, but it was still awesome.

  9. Better living through science! Looks like a cool party.

  10. When's the next update, Zeph? Have you had that Mad Men, Bioshock, Steampunk party yet? :P

  11. So, with turning 21 have you put away 'childish things'? Or has the options of legal drinking outweighed the hobby?
    With GW finally releasing a Dark Eldar codex and a new model for Necrons, can a new Necron codex be all that far behind?

  12. Miss seeing updates from you Zeph! I hope all is going well for you. :)

    take look on my minis :D
    i like yours by the way

  14. Happy 22nd. Almost a year and no now posts.
